Our School

We offer an international environment that meets the needs of modern working and living environments. Our school offers students a continuous educational path from the first year of schooling to the European Baccalaureate.

The accredited European School Tyrol is the first school of its kind in Austria to be committed to the European Schools system. This makes it easier for pupils to transfer to or from other European Schools.

Based on the modern European curricula, our team accompanies the children and young people on their educational path. The European school system works with innovative and individual forms of assessment. At the end of each school year, our pupils receive the internationally recognised certificates of the European school system.

As a public school, we are part of the Austrian education system and at the same time a member of a European network, and thus committed to national and European quality criteria.

We are part of the European Schools System

In 1953, the first European School was founded in Luxembourg. The target group at that time was primarily children of parents who worked in a European institution. In the following decades, schools were also founded away from European institutions. Pupils are taught according to internationally standardised curricula. Today there are 13 European Schools, managed by the Board of Governors of the European Schools, an EU body.

Symboldbild: Fahnen der Europäischen Union

The European Schools system has become so established that since 2005 national schools have also been able to offer the European model of education. These schools are administered by the education authorities of the respective country and have to go through a detailed accreditation procedure, thus proving that the education meets the pedagogical requirements of the European Schools. Even after accreditation has been completed, the schools are regularly audited by both European and national authorities. There are over 20 such accredited European Schools throughout Europe. The Accredited European School Tyrol currently has the status of an applicant, and is thus already included in the official list of Accredited European Schools.

Further information on the system of (accredited) European Schools can be found on the website of the General Secretariat of the European Schools.

Information material

This folder also gives an overview of what our school has to offer: