Our goals, beliefs and values
Goals & Purposes
Our goals and purposes are:
- to provide high quality international education for children of all nationalities with English and German as the language of instruction
- to prepare students to become global citizens through a commitment to the development of the whole child, both as an individual and as a member of the community
- to develop life-long learning in order to fulfill the social and academic potential of an individual
- to promote student centered learning and cultivate independent learners who are creative, inquisitive and critical thinkers with a high level of knowledge and skills
- to promote an appreciation of Austria’s and Europe’s culture and environment
- to continually measure our practices against the best, in order to set the standard for all
We believe that:
- children thrive when expectations are high and self-esteem higher; especially in a safe environment that nurtures the whole individual
- a variety of teaching strategies, meaningful materials and emerging technology should be used to maximize student potential and individual learning
- social skills, such as life skills, deserve the same attention as academic ones
- all children deserve a high quality education in which individual needs are met, exceeded and supported through differentiated learning
- school is not just about children: it encompasses families, the parenting community, stakeholders, society, the environment and the world
- the development of all aspects of the individual is essential
We value:
- tolerance, appreciation and respect for human differences among all of us in the IES community
- a hands-on, student-centered learning approach, which is essential for a deeper understanding of the material
- the ability to create and maintain enthusiasm for life-long learning
- curiosity, self-discipline, perseverance and passion for learning and a belief that these values foster personal fulfillment and lead to pride in achievement
- communication and its powerful ability to bring individuals and communities together