Welcome! Benvenuti! Willkommen!

The Accredited European School Tyrol is an international school that offers instruction in English, Italian and German. Our teachers and native speaker teachers welcome children from international and local families from 6 to 18 years. Our school is based at three locations in the heart of Innsbruck, Austria.

Focus on nutrition

students and teacher working on nutrition
20. November 2023

    In the Italian section of the European School, a special activity took place in the autumn. Healthy eating is a central and very important topic for us. We had an unforgettable experience using all our senses, tasting, touching, smelling, and closely observing seasonal fruits and vegetables.

    Opening Event at AES Tyrol

    State Secretary for Education Dr. Hagele is officially opening the new academic year
    13. October 2023

      The first classes of AES Tyrol presented the results of their first joint EU project “New Friends –  we all smile in the same language” as part of the official opening ceremony of AES Tyrol.

      Hallo! Hello! Ciao!

      Our AES students are meeting with the Secretary of Education of the State of Tyrol, Dr. Cornelia Hagele
      20. September 2023

        At the end of the first week of school, the three language sections of the first grade classes of AES Tirol met and welcomed the Tyrolean Secretary of Education, Dr. Cornelia Hagele, representatives of the Department of Education and parents with a trilingual song. A great end to an exciting first week of school at AES Tyrol!

        First Accredited European School in Austria to start in Innsbruck

        pencil case with coloured pencils
        11. September 2023

          With unanimous decisions, the Board of Governors of the European Schools in Brussels has given the green light for the start of the Accredited European School Tyrol with the beginning of the school year 2023/24 as part of the accreditation procedure.

          From 11 September 2023, a total of 57 pupils in the first primary level will be taught in three...

          Visit to AES Ljubljana, Slovenia

          teachers visiting AES Ljubljana
          06. June 2023
          von Anonymous

            In mid-May, teachers of the future first grade classes of the AES Tirol travelled to Ljubljana to visit the Accredited European School Ljubljana. We were very welcomed and in the course of our two day visit, we had the opportunity to gain valuable insight, as well as profit greatly from a personal exchange with the team of the school.

            Green light for the start of our school

            A child looking at a globus
            28. April 2023

              Recently, the Board of Governors of the European Schools has unanimously approved the so-called "dossier of conformity". This confirms that the concept of the Accredited European School Tyrol complies with all the rules of the system of the European Schools.

              So the first classes can start at our school in September 2023. In the primary level...

              High-ranking visit at our AES campuses

              Generalsekretär Beckmann beim Besuch des Standorts Altwilten
              02. March 2023

                On 1 March 2023, two Secretaries General met at "our" accredited European School Tyrol: Andreas Beckmann, Secretary General of the Board of Governors of the European Schools from Brussels, and Martin Netzer, Secretary General at the Ministry of Education from Vienna, visited the three sites of the AES Tyrol. They were accompanied by the two...

                Registration deadline for the first classes

                Symbolbild: Männchen, das einen überdimensionierten Stift hält
                30. January 2023

                  The regular application period for children who wish to attend first grade in autumn 2023 runs until 28 February 2023.

                  Families who come to Tyrol at a later date can apply for admission throughout the school year. We ask for your understanding that, provided the admission criteria are met, admission will then only be possible on a space...